Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Taking the City Slickers to the Snow

Here she is... just getting started and then she falls.
I am laughing while taking this... she was not.

Again.. we JUST got here. We drove 1hour and 15 minutes.
She is not happy.

Jason could not get Mary to go on the sled but one time with him
because she was too cold. Here he is with Sally coming down.

Here we are! I am having fun and Sally is still not.

I had a great time despite my totally inappropriate choice of footwear,
gloves and pants.. I LOVED this! :)
This is up in the Laguna Mtns. You can see Jason's truck parked along the side

Wants to get out of here

20 minutes after we get to the Mtn. we are back in the car.
Clearly they are much happier now.
We are going to try this again when they are older and when
it is not sleeting on us.... :) (or whatever)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Here is Mary - so excited to be out on her Valentines Day
yogurt date with Mommy and Daddy

She is figured out that if she hams it up I will take her photo

Sally is sharing with Daddy

This is her always keeping one eye on Mary to make sure
that her yogurt does not get swiped

Our messy gal

Now over to Mommy to eat some of her yogurt...

... but because I am a "big girl" I have to do it myself and take
it from the spoon. Mom better not try to feed me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The San Diego Beach Bunnies in January - ha, ha

So - while the rest of the nation was freezing during the tail end of January, we went to the airport to pick up Jason (Tokyo) had some dinner and then went on over to La Jolla Shores. It was a little bit cooler during the sunset so we put them in their jackets. Jason thinks that Mary is little Miss San Diego in her fleece and flip flops.

These girls just dont know how good they have it!!

Pretty Mary

Mr. Reliable!

Mr. Thomas goes to Tokyo

Here are some photos of when Jason went to Tokyo in January on a business trip with Huawei. They have an office over there and he met up with some clients from the US.

This is one of MANY strange "Chin-grish" t-shirts that Jason saw over there.

More random t-shirt words... I think that they think that wearing really cool graphic tee's with nonsensical English on it looks cool. Probably how I think that my Gap tank with a Chinese symbol on it (that I dont know what it means) is cool and urban esque.

Jason did get a video of a random Asian dude riding this. Imagine a bull-ride. Maybe it is good for the hips? ;)

10% of the population over in Tokyo was wearing a little mask.

This is wear you poop. No kidding. J did not poop here, but I asked him if he saw any of these after I checked out this link - Click on “next” to learn how to use.

This video is AWESOME and Jason took one with his camera, but the YOUTUBE footage is way more crazy. Check it out. This really happens.