Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is she walking yet????

Almost! She sure likes to stand up in the middle of the room and squat back down and then pop up again. She has officially take a full step, and the later today took 2 more. Stay tuned for the big announcement of when she finally starts to walk.... whenever that is!

Messy eater

Spinach and ricotta ravioli - Trader Joes!

She really likes marinara sauce. It is how I can get her to eat some other stuff like veggies too.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Quail Botanical Gardens, Encinitas, CA - Family Day

We decided to do a family day on Sunday at the Botanical Gardens in Encintas

We had a great time exploring the fruit trees, tropical gardens, children's garden, and found our own private little picnic area.

guava - Sally and Mary loved it.

Here is some really cool garden art.

Princess Mary Thomas

Pretty little Mary likes to dress up (ALL THE TIME) in her Princess gear. Yeah - it has definitely gotten old and makes us a little crazy, but I am pretty sure this is only a phase. She does look really cute.