Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hands behind your back --- and please
stop touching my ornaments!
(Yes, those are her training pants -- we are
having so much fun using the potty)

Seriously - Christmas is next week? Oops... so much for the Christmas cards going out anytime soon. Maybe we will just be sending Happy New Years cards....

At least we have a tree up and decorated!

The girls were really excited to go and pick out the tree. It was my idea to let Mary pick out the tree and it was Sally's job to look cute in the shopping cart at Target while we take the big box to the register.

Saying "big box" is an exaggeration as we got a smaller artificial tree for about 50 bucks. Artificial is the way to go for me because this pretty little housewife doesn't want to be vacuuming up any pine needles for weeks to come. Sheesh!