Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Thomas Family!

Our pretty girls Mary and Sally in their Christmas outfits!

The girls are dancing instead of posing! :)

This is exactly why I love living in San Diego!

Here are my ladies walking along the cliffs on
a beautiful day in December!

On Saturday we took some pictures over at the Pt. Loma Nazarene University campus. We were posing for the annual Christmas
card photo and had a great time!
The weather was gorgeous that day and actually pretty hot at the coast.
Christmas in Southern California never looked so good!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Mom and her Dog

This post is dedicated to my first born - Clifford.
Clifford is officially 6 1/2 years old and still an important part of the family.
We took him out for family day yesterday in Point Loma and he had a great time
on the playground with the teeter totter.

Well - OK. Maybe it was not his favorite part of the day - but he did enjoy
being off the leash and roaming around the park. He has matured so much that he
just lounges around, sniffs stuff and rolls in the grass. Except for those 2 kids in the back
we had this park all to ourselves. It was great!

We love our dog Clifford!!

Little Thomases baking Christmas cookies!

We are starting a new Christmas tradition here in the
Thomas house. Every Christmas we will make and decorate
sugar cookies with the girls. I told them it was a "cookie decorating party", so
they got really excited and dressed up in their best princess attire.

The dog bone shaped cookies are in honor of Clifford

The girls were so happy and proud to be making cookies!