Thursday, March 10, 2011

You did WHAT with a Sharpie??????????

This is the only photo I got of her after I caught her all marked up with a pink Sharpie.

Long story short:

She is a climber.  She wanted to "look like Barbie".  She took the pen to both of her forearms and her face.  I threw her in the tub. Called Jason in hysterics.  He laughed and told me to take a photo and post it on Facebook.  I did.  Then by the grace of God the marker came right off her face. 
It lingered on her arms for days, but that's what long sleeves are for. 

The End.

Happy Valentine's Day from the little cuties

Photos from dance class

These are not the best photos (or the best quality), but I took them when I was able to sneak into the class.... because they kick all the parents out and shut the door and dont let us watch them while they practice for the recital in June. 

The girls stick together the whole class. It is really cute to watch.... from the bent slat on the mini blinds that are usually closed very tightly.