Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tra le celebrità catturate dai paparazzi

Because of her celebrity status and cameras following her everywhere this was inevitable. This weekend I (Jason) was alone with the girls at home letting them pretty much do whatever they wanted. Sally was playing in the backyard and had mulch and rocks for dinner and Mary watched a Care Bear video marathon for about 5 hours straight while eating all of her halloween candy. I got a lot done while they were each doing their thing. Clifford was mad that he didn't get walked so he chewed up another one of Mary's dolls. Isn't that sad? Below is more photographic evidence that mommy should never leave daddy alone with the kids for the weekend.

Sally wasn't upset all day at least - but this is right after the camera was assaulted by Mary

Sally really was eating the mulch. I guess you could say she had a "Mulch Mustache"

Blurry tears

Mary has become quite the computer wizard. She clicks around pretty well and can pick and choose which YouTube video she wants to watch

Care Bears at lunch

But seriously we did enjoy the end of the day today with a visit to La Jolla shores beach playground. Mary and Sally both got to ride the swings for a long time while watching the waves crash and the sun set. Then we ate PB&J's and BBQ chips and took a walk/stroller ride on the beach. It was very romantic.