Thursday, October 21, 2010

 Mary was very excited for her first day of Kindergarten
Since we live so close she wanted to ride her bike on the first day

 My big girl was very excited and went 
right in without any hesitation!

 Her new teacher is Mrs. Emily Ashlock, Rm 14 
at Spreckels Elementary School

Mrs. Ashlock was passing out little kleenex packets with 
this sweet note attached to it... the tissues were for any parents 
that cried as they watched their baby go 
off to school (I was not the mom that was crying, but rather the mom 
that was dreaming of a mid week pedicure without having to pay a babysitter!!)

Mary goes to school M T Th and Friday 9:00- 3:30 and Wed 9am - 12:30


Sally goes to Univesity City Preschool
Here she is walking in with Daddy and holding her
very own lunch bag!  Sally attends school M W and Friday 8:30-12:30

 For her first day of school Sally insisted
on her very favorite bright pink socks.

The school has a rule that the first thing you do 
when you enter is head straight on over to the hand washing
station.  This is pretty much the number 1 reason why she goes to this particular school. :)
Mrs. Fraizer is her teacher and Sally 
did not hesitate once on her first day and
continues to go in every time without tears or hesitation