Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to Sally!!

Today is Sally's 2nd birthday! We are so excited and will be celebrating with my Dad this weekend. He is driving down from Manhattan Beach and will be going out to dinner
with us and helping Sally eat her cupcakes.

Jason and I cant believe that it was only 2 years ago that we were up in Clayton having pizza with friends at Skips and I was in labor. I went home to relax only to time my contractions that were all over the place. Next thing we knew little Sally made her way into the world at John Muir hospital in Walnut Creek and Mary became a big sister!

Yesterday Sally and I went through the box of 2T clothes that used to be
Mary's and she found the boots and this hat and really wanted to
dress up and be silly.

(that is some peanut butter on her face from her breakfast)

Reading her birthday card from Grandma and Grandpa Thomas

Having fun in our new train that Daddy made for the girls
out of the diaper and wipes boxes from Costco