Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am 72% sure this was a good idea

A couple of weeks ago I went to the San Diego Zoo with Mary's Kindergarten class.
There are 26 students and there were 5 other parent volunteers and Mrs. Ashlock to corral them.
It was so easy!
(come on... not really, but it was fun and I slept well that night)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Newbreak Sock Hop

Sock Hop for K-5 at our church.
I volunteered that night!

This is Mary with her friend Megan 
in the air guitar competition!

I made her poodle skirt :)

It got a little loud for Mary that night!

Our little Daisy!

Here is our little Daisy Scout on her first 
official day to earn a badge at the "Brownie/Daisy 
Art to Wear" play day.  They made some wearable art and sang songs
and socialized with the older 2nd and 3rd grader girls! Next up will be the Nutcracker
ballet with her troop and then.... COOKIES!!!! 
Just kidding - I don't really know when the cookie sales begin (Spring?) but she is 
only allowed to sell them to her family and friends.