Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Halloween

Mary and Sally went as bumble bees this year - we went as their bee keepers :)
Just kidding... we didnt have time to think about a costume this year as it was the day before our Freedom Fest 2010 trip (AKA: Kauai Nov. 1st - 5th)

Every year we go to Hallapolooza at Newbreak and we have the best time
playing the games, listening to live music, eating pizza, getting our faces painted, and winning candy!
The event was all over the local news as it is truly stellar in the community and is a completely free event that thousands attend every year on Halloween night.

I made these costumes and treat bags myself! 

Listening to the awesome music from the live band and
enjoying some pizza

Elated to have her face painted!

The squeals of delight can be heard every week at church
as we run into "Miss Rachel", as she is Mary's most favorite teacher at Newbreak!!

Sally having fun at ski ball