Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh, that girl Mary...

Every time I pick up Mary from Preschool now I have to brace myself the latest edition of "What Mary did/said today at school" today from either the teacher, teacher's aid or the Director. They are almost all funny and the women relaying the "Mary stories" are always laughing while telling them.

The first one was when Mary was supposed to get her silhouette drawn (you know the black ones that parents like to frame and hang on the wall) and I sent her to school and gave the money to the teacher. When it came time to sit down for the sketch, Mary said "Oh no!! My Mom does not want me to do this". I feel like whenever I look at the picture I can see her little pouty profile.

The second one was last week during "National Earthquake safety drill day" - all the schools around here participated. The teacher talked about earthquakes and the fact that they were going to simulate an earthquake by shaking the candy jar. Once the candy jar was shaking they were to duck and cover. Everyone in the class did it -- but Mary. She looked at the teacher, crossed her arms and 'hmmphpd' loudly saying "I am not doing that". Even later that day when the Director of the preschool administered the real drill EVERYONE (everyone!!) on the playground saw the candy jar shaking and dropped to the ground; ducking and covering. Not Mary. Once again that little stinker crossed her arms, made a stink face and then went back to playing.

The third one was today. Mrs. Foster (her teacher) came up to inform me that Mary asked her if she knew who Jesus was. The teacher said yes, but another little girl said that she did not know who Jesus was. Mary proceeded to tell them that Jesus is the guy that "tells us to clean up". The teacher chuckled (to herself) and asked her what else she knew about Jesus. Mary shared that "Jesus died on the cross for Easter".. .but that it was "OK, because he came back to life". During clean up time Mrs. Foster told Mary to clean up because Jesus wants her to. So... she did.

Apparently our girl Mary has some issues with compliance, but not when it comes to Jesus telling her to clean up.