Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sally says "Hi" on video

Hopefully you can see this? I am learning how to upload stuff to You Tube and then embed it here on the If it doesnt work I will take it down and try again later.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Our future Family Christmas Card photo

Here we are at the beautiful Mission Bay in San Diego getting ready for a nice family photo. We forgot our blue jeans, bare feet and perfectly ironed white shirts, but we did not forget the true family spirit and joy behind the smiles.
Why is the photo crooked? It is not, the bay is.

Click on the photos to view them LARGER

Merry Christmas from the Thomas Family. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!

Not our best shot, but seriously the only one where we are all looking (are we all looking??) and not crying.

This is our 2nd choice. We just want to highlight the semi-clean-and-not-too-skinky- that-day-bay and Sally's hair

This is a good shot of my eye lids, Mary's arm pits, Sally's reddish hair and Jason's "perma smile". Scroll up and down and notice it is the same in all photos.

Here is Sally's blankie covering the blood spots from an earlier accident when her one
tooth hit her lip and bled everywhere. Notice Mary's hands

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Zoo with Logan and Emma - Anitra's kids (from Maui)

We had so much fun spending time with Logan (4) and Emma (1) at the San Diego Zoo last week. I had not seen Anitra since our Maui trip in 2006 and it was so much fun for us to meet each of the newest additions!

Mary turns 3 - on July 1st- and enjoys a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Thomas

Mary had a blast celebrating with cupcakes, Grandma and Grandpa and getting new bike!