Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Busy little Thomas Girls in the month of June!

We have been keeping busy in June spending lots of time enjoying the many fun things to do around San Diego County!

Mary is out of school for two weeks so in the meantime we have taken the girls to:

  • Sea World (we have a membership pass so we can go and enjoy it for a couple hours during the day before or after nap time)
  • The New Children's Museum in Downtown San Diego has been lots of fun!
  • Quail Botanical Gardens - our personal favorite and the children's garden is getting a make over - CHECK IT OUT!
  • Victorias Gardens is where we went to pick strawberries, feed llamas, pigs, chickens and emus - and to ride on a pony!! The photo above is the basket of strawberries that Mary and her Daddy picked while Mommy and Sally fed apples and berries to some horses. They have different size baskets that you can buy and fill up.
  • The El Cerrito Annual Chili Cook-off - this in in our old neighborhood and we have been going nearly every year - our first family photo was taken last year and our new family photo is this one :

We got Mary to smile by telling her to say "cake". Sally was just not going to smile.
It was Saturday and she only smiles on Sundays.

Here is Jason accepting the 2nd place award for
"Best Vegetarian" Chili.
He made an Indian style chili and we called it
Slumdog Millionaire.

The rest of June will consist of Mary going with her Mimi and Popi Maier to their 2nd home in Genoa, Nevada (this is a link worth checking on since you have probably never heard of this town). They are going to drive from Manhattan Beach next week (about 8-9 hours) and then I am going to fly up on Friday and spend a few days and then fly back with Mary. Jason will be home with Sally.

After Genoa Mary will start her Hopscotch Tues/Thursday Art, Music and Movement class and the last week of June is "Garden Camp" at the La Jolla YMCA!! This will run 9-noon Monday-Friday.