Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mary's 6th birthday party - ladybug theme!

July 10th at the La Jolla YMCA concluded all of the celebrating of the 6th year of joy that little Mary has brought to us so far. Our ladybug shindig was great and the party was enjoyed by all! The day consisted mainly of LOTS of 5 and 6 year old girls!!

The birthday girl felt really shy when everyone was singing to her
Here are my ladybug cupcakes and the aphids on the lower tier :)

Above - silly bucket that I turned into a ladybug
Below - goodie bags for all the girls that contained candy and 
a ladybug necklace or bracelet and the bag is tied off with a felt flower hair accessory that I made.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy 4th of July 2011

On the way back home from LA we stopped along the way in La Mirada, CA (my original hometown) and I took the girls to a park that I remember going to summer camp at. We found lots of good and silly photo opportunities there.

My first house until I was about 8 years old (near Biola University)

July 1st Birthday Celebration (and July 3rd celebration with The Rowes)

On July 1st Mary turned 6 years old! We celebrated by taking her out to dinner at The Corvette Diner. We had lots of fun and the celebration continued that weekend as we drove up to Manhattan Beach to celebrate the 4th with our family.

Love this photo of the two of them!

Here we are for round 2 of celebrating the birth
of Miss Mary in Rolling Hills with The Rowes. 
The girls absolutely adore Molly and Addie and always
have a good time at the house.

Mary and her Great Aunt Barbara Miller

Happy snuggle time with Auntie Carole

The last weeks of school and other adventures in June

The final weeks of Kindergarten were wrapped up with a week of wackiness - everything from Pajama Day to wacky hair day to backwards dress day. Mary was super excited for wacky hair day and she picked out the blue spray.

This is Mary with one of her best friends Joanna Lee
Some of her very best girlfriends from her K class
Another K recital in the auditorium with lots of fun songs and a 
cake reception after to celebrate their graduation to 1st grade

The photos below are how Mary's Daisy Troop
(jokingly "Troop Beverly Hills") celebrated the end of the school year
with their cookie sales earnings.  They got a princess jumpy house and did
an ice cream party at Mission Bay and because our troop leader's brother works at
the Aquatics Center we got to take out sail boats for free!! :)

On a sail boat for the first time!!

My brave girl Mary!

Mary's very last day on June 13th with her most favorite teacher!
Mrs. A is 6 or so months along in this photo due in August with a baby girl