Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!! .... and Happy 5.5 years to Mary

This morning I told Mary it was January 1st and that today she is officially 5 and 1/2... so she asked for a cake and because I am in the running for Mother of the Year, I made one from scratch.  I am that good.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Opening Christmas presents

 Nothing like starting the morning with the cookies that "Santa" forgot to finish.
We sort of did the Santa thing, but really we did not get into it too much. 
We are just going to let it become what it is - tradition, but not really lie to them too much.  HA!

 I think that every child this year got a Pillow Pet for Christmas
 Daddy got her these trains and the track and she LOVES it!!

 Keepin' it real with undies for Christmas.  This will be
a tradition from now on

 In this big box was a doll house that is super awesome
and the girls are playing with it A LOT!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from The Thomas Family!