Friday, July 24, 2009

A cool little chicky

Like Mother like daughter this cool lady has her shades on and her purse ready to go.

Those strings hanging out go to Mary's fairy wings ...
... because when you are on the go, you never know when you might need some wings.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Getting ready to read!

I was making lunch and then suddenly... it was quiet.

Too quiet.

I instantly wondered what kind of trouble they were getting into now.

Then I remembered the library books that I had just put out on the coffee table for them.

This is what I found!!

2 sweet little thomases sitting quietly while reading library books!

Sally and Mary both love books so much. It is a pleasure to take them to the library and to give them books as gifts because it is just the best thing - better than TV!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Its HOT in San Diego!

The dog days of summer are just beginning to hit us here in beautiful San Diego -- we feel it so much (although about 3 miles from the coast) due to not having air conditioning.

To stay nice and cool we are enjoying some water play in our backyard with our "shamu" pool ~ really just a whale pool that Mary has named shamu ~ and our fun sprinkler hook up toy.

I am doing lots of bathing suit laundry around here and lathering up of sunscreen like you would not believe! Today I was so desperate for a clean suit for Mary that I actually (NO REALLY!) got out a needle and thread and repaired a suit while my highly impressed girls looked on. I was a super hero to Mary when the straps on her top were fastened back on and we were ready to take on shamu.

When the evening rolls around and the house is too hot to enjoy (after sweaty naps) we hang out in our backyard once again for some hammock time!

(You can see our veggie garden in the back ground. We are growing: carrots, arugula, brussels sprouts, artichokes, tomatoes, corn, basil, rosemary, thyme... and a few other herbs)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy 4th of July 2009!!

This year to celebrate the 4th of July we headed up to Manhattan Beach to house-sit for Mimi and Popi while they were in Genoa.

We had fun walking to get our coffee in the morning and going to the beach for a little bit each day to play in the sand.

We also had a BLAST at Auntie Monica's house for her big party!!

Here are the girls walking up to the party at Monica's in their festive new outfits (from Nana for their birthdays)

Here is Sally getting toasty in Monica's turtle neck sweater before we head to the roof top patio at her home for a 360 view of the beautiful fireworks along coastal LA County!!

The girls were both seeing fireworks for the first time ~ ever!! Normally they have been too young and asleep by the time it is dark... but not this year! Miss Mary being 4 years old wanted to stay up for the fun!