Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sally goes to the Pumpkin Patch in Del Mar... a fake one

October has just gone by so quickly and we have been busy with school and life and getting ready for our trip to Kauai* so on a Tuesday last week I took Miss Sally to the "Pumpkin Station" in Del Mar for some fun. 

* the trip will be just for the 2 little Thomases Mommy and Daddy as Grandpa Maier is coming to watch the girls for a week!!!

Fun in Palomar Mountain with the Phelps Gang

 About 2 weeks ago we drove a couple hours up to the local
mountain (Palomar) to hang out with Nathan Phelps and his family.
On the property is a small apple orchard so the first thing we did upon
arrival was cook up some apple sauce a la Bonnie Phelps!

 Then is was up to the "Round House" property (right above 
the "Square House" land; another story) to meet Buddy the horse.
Sally was a little unsure but we did feed him some apples and he did not bite us...
Buddy, not Nathan
 Picture perfect Sunday
 After some fun at the Round House property we went over
to a neighbor up the way that has her own mini farm that consists of 
chickens, sheep and goats.  She sells her eggs and goat milk products and sheers her 
sheep and makes her own yarn.  What a trip eh???
 Truthfully I was not a fan of holding this dirty little sheep at first
 Mary and Sally sitting patiently waiting for the chicken to 
take its egg back.  They really thought they could give the egg 
back to the chicken.  They waited, and waited and waited....

Click on this photo of Sally to enlarge it so that you can 
get a good look at that heart shaped face and those stunning blue eyes.

What a little cutie!!