Thursday, August 13, 2009

A conversation with Mary

Last night on the way home from VBS I asked Mary what the snack was that she had and she told me "taters tots" (with that extra "s"). Knowing that she despises potatoes and barely eats french fries I proceeded to have her tell me more about the snack.

"They are small like chicken nuggets and just like the playground Mom".

Taters Tots = Teeter Totter --- of course.

I asked her if she liked them and she said yes. I told her that they are sort of made with potato and then she told me that they were disgusting.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aunt Amy comes for a visit! July 31st - August 4th

Amy came from Indianapolis, IN to visit us in San Diego and we planned for a mini family
reunion at the Bay that weekend.

The San Diego Search and Rescue dive team looking
for the body of a man that jumped into the bay at midnight and did
not make it to shore. Of all the places in the bay to set up our camp for
the day we chose this one only to see the dive team, and coast guard arrive
30 minutes later and proceed to do this from 11am until 4pm.

Oh... and here is cute little Sally building a sand castle.


Sally, Juliette (10), Sohpia (7) and Mary

Aunt Amy is to my right (me in the hot bikini, careful to cover up my
*not so hot* squishy tummy). Jason's cousin on his Mom's side is Michael and his
wife is Lisa. They live in Temecula. Across the table are Aunt Virginia and Uncle David (Jason's Aunt and Uncle) and the cousins.

Aunt Amy's last day in town ~ we visited Coronado

Amy has a soft spot for little Sally - what is hard not to love about a cute and
cuddly little 23 month old baby girl??!!!

--- she is almost 2?? Ah!!!!!!!!!!