Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mary and Sally take Indiana: la deuxième partie

Fun at a local Splash Park


The 2 gorgeous ladies that my children resemble most

Happy Father's Day at Bravo in Indy

Fun with cousin Lily! 


Downtown Nobelsville had a strawberry festival - with 
some free face painting!! 

The negotiator:
"Free means free lady ~ so don't stop at my face" :) 


Now... only in the Midwest would your promise your kid an ice-cream 
after dinner, only to get stuck in your car during yet another "severe thunderstorm"... which
then leads you to no other choice than to hit the McDonald's drive-thru ( I know, I know) and 
because you are in a rental car, give your almost 3 year old a sundae in the back seat and some how
still seem surprised that it is very sticky back there:

It was all worth it to get this nice little smile!