Monday, July 19, 2010

Mary and Sally go to Conner Prairie in Indiana

Mary and Sally had a great time at Conner Prairie an interactive
Historical Park in Indiana.  There were lots of fun things to do in the 
Discovery Barn and the actors at the park were 
very fun and friendly to the girls. 

This was about as close as we could get Sally to 
any of the farm animals

This is the baby calf that turned around and licked
the bottom of my shorts.  I thought he nearly bit me until Jason 
explained that they have rough tongues like sand paper.  
Right! ... I knew that.... 

Mary was not sure why the pigs were not pink

Helping to brush a steer

Helping to make the molasses bread

Sally finds a basket of wool

Yes - she does windows too! 

She would get close to the giant plastic cow for milking, 
but wanted nothing to do with the live animals. 

The girls made me this delicious supper!

We came back the next week for some more fun! 

Beautifully made dress-up clothes lined the walls of the
parlor and other indoor-play areas

Mary in the General Store....

Swapping out the gown for her work apron!!