Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why I LOVE LOVE LOVE having little girls

Lets just say that if this is a little glimpse into the future of living with my tidy little ladies - I am a happy Mama.

So far, they have both surpassed Jason's (did you know that he was a full grown adult, age 33?) ability to clean up after themselves! Yep -- that's correct.

Not only does Sally like to take off her dirty diapers and put them in the trash (the TRASH), but Mary has now taken to clearing her place at the table, putting any scraps in the trash can, and her bowl up on the counter to be washed. When she is using plastic dinnerware she will "wash" it in the sink in her bathroom and put it up on the counter to be put away.

Cute huh?? :) I love my girls!!!