Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sally meets the Umana boys and baby Jack!

While Mary was in Genoa with her Mimi and Popi, Sally and I drove up to Orange County to visit with some of my friends and their children. My friend Jen has a little baby boy Jack that is 6 months old! My friend Stephanie from high school has 4 boys! I only wish that I lived in Orange County to be closer to these great Moms/Women, but we are very happy in San Diego.
Sally and I stayed at her Nana's house (my Mom) for the night.

Thank you Nana for letting us stay the night!

Nana keeps a box of my (yes Julie's!!) old toys for the
girls to play with. Or - to play in...

Me holding Jack and Jen holding Sally.
The kids were a little jealous.

Jack drinking water, but not about to miss a photo opportunity!

This is Sally with Stephanie's youngest boy Ruben.
They were a little unsure of each other.

Paolo with Sally

Paolo (8), Ruben (2), Luca (6) and Marco (7)
(AKA - future Husbands for my girls)
They really are as sweet and polite as they look in this photo!!

Stephanie and her sisters (the Umana ladies) opened
The Umana Academy of Fine Arts in 2004!
We got a tour of the school that currently enrolls Tiny Tots - 7th grade

Stephanie Umana Russell - Tiny Tots and Pre K Director and Founder
Check out the school!