Both Jason and I were so excited when we woke up this morning before the girls and reminisced about August 20th of last year- Monday.
I had gone to the OB earlier that morning around 10am and had begged to be induced. I was seriously over being pregnant and was not about to be pregnant one day longer.
All day on Monday I was in pain and thought I was having contractions, but as I would move around and go upstairs and continue about my day - they subsided. According to my online studies if they go away with movement and are not regular they are probably Braxton and if they were real you could not walk through them.
They got stronger as the day progressed, but I was pretty busy that day having ice cream with Danielle Fadelli and her son Julian and then the babysitter was coming so that we could go to dinner with our "Young Marrieds" group at Skips. It was during dinner that I had some contractions but was still to shy to admit to it and thought maybe I was just crying wolf as they were 30 minutes apart at this point.
We got home around 9pm. I jumped in the tub and started timing the contractions which were totally all over the place. 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 20 minutes... back to 12 minutes.
Thankfully Adam and Raimee came over to stay the night with Mary and we were off to the hospital to have my OB check me out. Here I am asking to be buzzed in!
We got there around 10:45pm and were checked in by 11 ish. I was measuring at 6! Long story SUPER SHORT. Next thing I knew they were breaking my water and giving me an IV and I was BEGGING for the epidural.
NO JOKE - I am dying at this point, the anesthesiologist comes in and as I sit up I go from 7-10 and start wanting to push. She clicks the thing 2x and then leaves and the OB comes rushing back in telling me to just wait.
2 pushes later out pops little Miss Sally at 12:55am on Tuesday August 21st!
Then about 20 minutes later the epidural kicks in.
I am so happy that we have little Sally around and that the 2littlethomases get along so well. Mary loves having a little baby in the house and told me that she wants
more. ............ that is so not happening anytime soon.