Sunday, June 8, 2008

Whats Mary up to these days???

Mary has been doing quite well thanks for asking....
Jason has been out of town A LOT and will be traveling most of June. We are staying busy at the Birch Aquarium with our friends and going for walks and touring up San Diego.

The busy body had a jam packed weekend that started with picking up Daddy from the airport on Friday and jetting over to the zoo for a little dinner picnic (yes - we did chase another peacock around, but no video or photos this time). Saturday we went to the 5th Annual El Cerrito Chili Cook-off at Rob's house. There were about 10 young kids there and Mary was having a blast running around and eating the shredded cheese (long story).

Today we got up and decided to head over to the Wild Animal Park and check out the Heart of Africa. The Park has changed SO much over the past 2 years - we were actually quite disappointed with the short little bus ride. They got rid of the monorail that goes around most of the park so that you can see all of Asia and Africa. Now it is just a small part of the Africa - ONLY. The alleged future enhancements are still a year off according to the Park employees.

All in all we had a great weekend and Jason will be around until Tuesday when he heads out to Spokane, Washington this week. Next week he is gone M-F in Walnut Creek. Ironic?

Since I am a single Mom for most of June... please feel free to invite me over for dinner. HA.
(no, really)
