Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How are the girls doing in San Diego???

The girls are doing very well!

We are all unpacked and starting to get out more to explore around town.

Tuesday we became members at the Quail Botanical Gardens up in Encinitas.

They have a lot of fun activities for Mary on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Yesterday she planted a succulent and played with some new kids in the garden. Sally really enjoyed being out and watching all the other kids and even met a little boy that was holding her hand.

Today (Wed) we became members of the Scripps La Jolla Birch Aquarium.

Mary got to see a Giant Octopus, tons of Jelly fish, sea horse, etc. There is a great shark tank there and some various activities for toddlers and preschoolers to check out. She did not want anything to do with the "OK to touch" tide pool. I think it was a little scary to her to touch a slimy fish. Sally was practically jumping out of her stroller and making happy squeaky noises the whole time.

Tomorrow we are going to La Jolla to a new park with some friends that are just about the same ages as the twolittlethomases.

It is supposed to warm up a bit this weekend so we will take Mary to the ocean and have her collect shells and explore around a bit.

Our plans for the rest of the summer consist of obtaining a Zoo pass so that we can do that a couple times a week and maybe even looking into some swim lessons. I have already looked at preschools for the Fall and that does not start until September. Until then we are going to stay busy so that Mary does not get bored!!!