Friday, December 31, 2010

Opening Christmas presents

 Nothing like starting the morning with the cookies that "Santa" forgot to finish.
We sort of did the Santa thing, but really we did not get into it too much. 
We are just going to let it become what it is - tradition, but not really lie to them too much.  HA!

 I think that every child this year got a Pillow Pet for Christmas
 Daddy got her these trains and the track and she LOVES it!!

 Keepin' it real with undies for Christmas.  This will be
a tradition from now on

 In this big box was a doll house that is super awesome
and the girls are playing with it A LOT!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas from The Thomas Family!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Spreckels Holiday Performance - photos and videos

Mary Thomas!! Student of the month at Spreckels Elementary School!!

Our Kindergartner girl Mary received a "Super Star Certificate"
for being a great little student in her Kindergarten class! 
There was an assembly for the kids with milk and cookies 
after to honor their excellence. 
We are proud of her academic accomplishments thus far as 
she is excelling in her math and writing and reading!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

I traveled around quite a bit recently meeting some new babies!
In the first 3 photos: I traveled up to Redondo Beach to meet Amelie Shirman.
She is very smiley and wrapped up in her new little quilt that I made for her!
Amelie is my friend Monica's 1st baby and it was a pleasure to spend time with that little ray of sunshine! 

In the last 2 photos: I traveled to Henderson, NV to meet Hadley Chenin.
She is super content and I think she really melted my heart.  She is my cousin's
2nd baby and I enjoyed finally getting to meet her...and she is tricking me into wanting to have another baby (she does not cry much). 

For Thanksgiving every year UCUC Preschool has a "Stone Soup" party based on the book. 
Sally made her hat and the turkey centerpiece for the party and we all gathered
together to enjoy the delicious soup that everyone helped make.  I was the lucky one
that actually had the stone in my soup! All the little ones thought that was cool.

And yes, I do think that Sally is just the cutest girl in these photos!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was spent here in San Diego this year on a gloriously sunny and warm day! We are so lucky here in Southern California to have such awesome weather!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am 72% sure this was a good idea

A couple of weeks ago I went to the San Diego Zoo with Mary's Kindergarten class.
There are 26 students and there were 5 other parent volunteers and Mrs. Ashlock to corral them.
It was so easy!
(come on... not really, but it was fun and I slept well that night)