Monday, December 29, 2008

Silly Sally

Now when we tell her to smile - she gives me the cheesy kid smile. Sometimes it is even more squinty and cheesy (see last photo below for the perfect example)

Likes eating with a spoon now!

Likes eating - PERIOD.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mama finally got a bluetooth for Christmas.. or so it seemed

YES - I KNOW! Since July 1st of 08 I have been talking on my cell phone, while driving - without a hands-free device. Very illegal here in California. Wah-wah...I tried some, but they either broke or I returned them. I told Jason to get me something for Christmas, and this is what happened.

I would like to add that there is a happy ending to this story and that the day after Christmas he bought me a Jawbone. The best headset ever. I just love it. Thanks husband!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!

Baby got a new bag for Christmas

Dad showing Sally how to open a present

We had a great Christmas here today at the house and lots of fun opening presents in the morning! Mary definitely understands Christmas this year, and we suspect that Sally does so more this year too. Anytime a present was brought out to be opened she would get really excited and say "ooh!".

Jason did the traditional "Dad thing" of putting the play kitchen together in the garage after the girls went to bed on Christmas eve and then bringing it in for them to find in the morning. They went nuts!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What are the Thomases doing for Festivus this year?

Christmas celebrations began early this year with a visit from Mimi and Popi (my Dad and step-Mom Sandy) on Saturday. The girls had lots of fun visiting with them and opening their gifts. That night we had a nice home-cooked meal... because going to a restaurant at this point in our little girl's lives is just not going to happen!

So far we have been sick for Thanksgiving and now we are on the mend for Christmas. Sally got her first ever ear infection (Mary has never had one so this was a shock to me) and is on antibiotics right now. Mary is slowly getting over her cough and cold. I am doing all I can to not get sick and have persevered by going to the gym and making my best attempt at working out with my trainer at 7:30AM. As you may or may not know - I hate the gym and really dont like working out. ( I am mainly at the gym super early b/c I am refusing to take the girls to the playcare center there anymore b/c we realized that it is "Germ Fest 2008" and they always, always get super sick. Yuck.

My Mom (Nana Sunshine is her name to the girls) is coming down Christmas Eve and staying until Christmas evening. We are doing a Christmas/Birthday dinner here at the house. My Mom has a December birthday, hence the combined festivity.
Christmas day Jason and I have a date planned to go see a movie and perhaps hit up a Chinese restaurant or our local Elijah's for a bite to eat. Ha, ha.

Finally - I am REALLY looking forward to the day after Christmas when I will get to meet baby Jack Ryan! Jennifer Waier-Forwood gave birth on December 13th to a healthy and adorable baby boy - she is very excited and although Mary is bummed that he is a boy, she is happy that Jen has a new baby.

Merry Christmas to everyone and stay tuned for some photos of the girls opening their gifts!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Card photo shoot in Coronado (Monday)

Here we are in Coronado this past Monday taking our annual Christmas card photo. The weather was great, but the sun was setting so fast that we had a difficult time with the lighting. All in all, we had fun and the photographer took some nice photos of our silly family.

We really liked this one - except that it was just too squinty of us. Beautiful color though.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy 15 months to Sally

We went to the doctor today for our 15 month check up and shots and all is well. Here are her stats and what percentile she is:

Weight --------18 lbs, 13 oz 3%
Height --------30 3/4 " 55 %
Head ----------17 1/2 " 15%

skinny and long with a smallish head - we think she is cute ;)

We HEART The Goulds - We miss you Adam and Raimee!

We so lovingly tease that the only good thing to come out of our life in the East Bay was meeting The Goulds and all of our other friends up there...

Sally had a blast reuniting with Adam and Raimee!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sunshine Smiles Sally

On this first one she is not quite smiley and happy, but I came into the office to find her in this book box. She is a serious little climber!

Pretty purple girl

See - she smiles about 10% of the time. Ha! The other times are reserved for her look of "Blue Steel"

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving at the Rowe's home in Palos Verdes, CA. They live close to my Dad and Step Mom in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

After dinner we had a great time with Sing Star and the girls got their groove on. Jason and I actually did some rocking out too.

This happy photo of the girls should make it onto the family Christmas card...

"Mimi" and Mary

Here we are teaching Mary how to point her finger in the air and work the crowd someday when she becomes famous!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Girls Gone Wild

Now that the Sheriff is back in town, things are more normal and vacuumed around here. I had a great time in Henderson, NV visiting with my cousin Melissa. She has a monogramming business CHECK IT OUT HERE

Lots of things got monogrammed this weekend including these cute little jackets that were found at Costco and then personalized! The girls just love them!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tra le celebrità catturate dai paparazzi

Because of her celebrity status and cameras following her everywhere this was inevitable. This weekend I (Jason) was alone with the girls at home letting them pretty much do whatever they wanted. Sally was playing in the backyard and had mulch and rocks for dinner and Mary watched a Care Bear video marathon for about 5 hours straight while eating all of her halloween candy. I got a lot done while they were each doing their thing. Clifford was mad that he didn't get walked so he chewed up another one of Mary's dolls. Isn't that sad? Below is more photographic evidence that mommy should never leave daddy alone with the kids for the weekend.

Sally wasn't upset all day at least - but this is right after the camera was assaulted by Mary

Sally really was eating the mulch. I guess you could say she had a "Mulch Mustache"

Blurry tears

Mary has become quite the computer wizard. She clicks around pretty well and can pick and choose which YouTube video she wants to watch

Care Bears at lunch

But seriously we did enjoy the end of the day today with a visit to La Jolla shores beach playground. Mary and Sally both got to ride the swings for a long time while watching the waves crash and the sun set. Then we ate PB&J's and BBQ chips and took a walk/stroller ride on the beach. It was very romantic.