Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!!

Jason has hijacked Julie's blog because she rarely updates it and today is such an important day!

The past two days we got to spend time with Popi and Mimi. We had a lot of fun! Thanks for all the presents!
Sally's first Christmas!

Mimi and Sally

Thomas Family

Jason, Mimi, Sally, Popi, Mary and Holly

Yesterday we got to see Journey through Bethlehem at church. Mary had a great time seeing everything from the Roman Soldiers, Ponies and Sheep and of course Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Mary saw her boyfriend Pablo and also got to go on a buggy ride and a hay ride. An angel even appeared to Mary while she was tending to the sheep and goats

Dad and his two little sheep

Mom and Mary on a buggy ride

The very scary Adam and Raimee in costume

We aren't big on Santa in our family. While he is pretty jolly we are going to focus on the true meaning and significance. Plus it's just a big letdown when the kids find out it's not real.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Some other very exciting news (in case you haven't already heard us brag).

Poo Poo

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A little rice in your tummy

Sally is 4 months old and feeling better and now eating a little more rice cereal. Unlike Mary, she enjoys eating from a spoon.

She is still a tiny little lamb only weighing in at 10lbs 11 oz so we are working on packing in the calories.

She is also taking some zantac and maalox for her reflux.

This weekend was not too fun as she had a mild fever and a gnarly cold and kept us up all night... but she is slowly getting better.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wow! I am officially a blogger!

Here is my first blog ever! Well, sort of. I will use this site to publish information about Mary and Sally and the rest of our gang (that being Me, Jason and Mr. Clifford).

Stay tuned for photos galore!