Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mary and Sally take Indiana - part I - Friends, Food and Festivities

The 2 Little Thomases discovered how beautiful and 
quaint the town of Zionsville, IN is.  The Kivett Family 
was in Indy for the weekend so we met up a couple times and here we are enjoying Serenity cafe. 
We joked that this is what dining in Heaven will be like someday.  
The experience was that fun! 

This was the "kid's meal". 
 All meals for adults and kids alike 
were served with Serenity's signature scone.  

The empty space to the left of the fruit cup is where the free toy that comes
with every meal was sitting....

.... and Mary was quick to entertain us all with it. 

Kaden got one too! 

I am not sure where to begin with our strange coffee house
experience at this place, but none the less here is a cute family photo:


Party time at the Kivett Family home in Carmel, IN

High school and Purdue friends

Just like the good old days of college parties, there
is always some blond girl crying for attention.... poor little kitty!

Here is Jill Landers giving to the whole story on how 
Sam Landers is going to marry Mary Thomas someday.
He wrote her a note that says, "I LOVE YOU.
Of course I kept this note! 

We love our little Sally and her "nigh-nigh" blankie 

Everyone went outside on the deck to enjoy the rapidly
chilling weather and watch the storm roll in. I believe it 
went from 90 something to 60 something in minutes.  

At this point in our trip this is probably the gazillion'th 
"severe thunderstorm" that I have seen and been warned of thanks
to some alarms sounding and the local weather forecaster.  

Note to self: Midwest weather is no bueno for Julie Thomas