Monday, September 21, 2009

Mary was a flower girl this weekend!

There was a slight snafu the night of the rehearsal and Sally ended
up becoming Mary's understudy for the role of "The Flower Girl", but after
much bribery of Barbie paraphernalia if she were to walk down the aisle
and do her job, all went well and in the 11th hour Mary decided that she
wanted to walk all by herself... sort of. I sat midway down the aisle and she
had the option of taking my hand so that I could assist her to the alter.
We walked together and Jason took her out of the sanctuary and to the gardens until the ceremony was over.

Here we are - the proud parents of "The Flower Girl"
We had Molly babysit for us that night as we hit the reception
up in LA - sans bebes is the way to go to a wedding if you want
to actually enjoy your evening... no offense girlies.