Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mary and Sally celebrate the Graduation Season!

Miss Addie Rowe (our second cousin once removed) graduated from Chadwick High School on June 14th and we drove up to Palos Verdes for her party and to celebrate her accomplishment of attending USC this Fall! Go Trojans!

Addie, Me, Sally and Molly
(Molly took great care of Mary in Genoa when she went up with
her Popi and Mimi later on that same week for about 5 days)

Me and my Dad

Sandy (Mimi), Me and Dad (Popi)

Me with Great Aunt Barbara and her first born (of 9) Alice

Mary met her match! This is her 3rd cousin twice removed (?) Abby.
They are both the same age and met for the first time at the party.

The girls had a blast playing the drums! I believe they are
musically inclined thanks to the Thomas side of the family.